Turning Trials to Passion- My Python-Dev Journey

Turning Trials to Passion- My Python-Dev Journey

Software Development is increasingly gaining more and more audience in the field of computing (CS) globally. This is not far fetched, probably because of its perception of being the magic wand capable of turning one's fortune around forever.

The story of how I overcame stumbling blocks in my quest of becoming a software developer is not a popular and rosy one.

I have a very good technical background generally in Computer Science (CS). For one, I have a degree in CS with years of industry experience while working as either a temporary developer, technical trainer, technical consultant, or solutions architect.

However, through it all, I had the issue of organizing and documenting my learning process as I learned.

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I get easily excited by technologies generally- be it tools, languages, or platforms. The joy of being able to learn something new in the tech excites me personally. However, as these desired fade off, the willingness to really cover depths declines, and before you say, Jack, I dump the language/tools and move on to the next one and the cycle continues.

Over the years, I have had several failed trials to become a devoted developer known with a language and stack, and building cool and amazing stuff around the stack. This narrative however has changed this year!

If you are like me and care to know how the story changed for me, then this article is for you.

How my Story Changed

While at my usual game of checking out a couple of next big language/framework, I stumbled again on Python, but this time around, I changed a bit my approach of getting to KNOW its basics. And boom! the trajectory changed. For the very first time, the desire to really stay and learn python grew in me.

I had no reason whatsoever to rush the learning process. I became calmer as I read through official python documentation from python.org and got really amazing tutorials from Mosh's channel on youtube.

In the article, I will try and highlight for you ( hopefully you find them useful) how I passed my trials of Tutorial Syndrome and uncovered my elevated passion for writing clean and maintainable codes in python:

Turning Failed Trials to Passion- My Python Experience

1. Declutter your mind from your Limitations

Developing the write frame of thoughts and mindset towards your willingness to pick up a new language is important towards becoming really great at such a language or tool.

For me, I had several limitations to overcome. I get easily excited about learning stuff. Firstly, I reassured myself I was going to learn only at my pace. Secondly, I reassured myself I was never going to rush. The biggest limitation to overcome for me was deciding to choose between depth in python or spread into several other languages. It was clear that I can only become a serious developer only when I uncover all the intricacies of python.

0_xQuG138MMH2fVkG5.png Image Source Credit: Decide whether to choose depth in your language of choice to overspread into several ones.

2. Be deliberate about what to learn

3. Create the bigger picture from onset

Yes! It's a combo step! Never start learning a tool, language, or even a new technology without a clear-cut purpose or reasons for learning them.

For me, I was very deliberate with python from the very day I decided to start learning as to why I wanted to learn to code in python and what I wanted to be able to do with it. This becomes my fuel whenever I get overwhelmed and feel like stopping. Define your motivation from the very beginning.

From day 0 for instance, decide to be a better developer, writing clean and maintainable codes:

import openpyxl as xl
from openpyxl.chart import BarChart, PieChart, Reference
#opening Excel file with load_workbook() does magic always!
# followed by deciding which of the 1 or many worksheets to work on from #the Excel workbook. open_book() to the rescue
open_book = xl.load_workbook("WorkingSheet_Avon.xlsx")
open_sheet = open_book["Sheet1"]

#Actual numbers starts from row 2 from the sheet. Bear this in mind. #Modifiying the column 4 cells. Generate 10% discount and return the #...result on the 25th column, the last column.
for row in range(2, open_sheet.max_row + 1):
    cell = open_sheet.cell(row, 4)
    unit_discount = cell.value - (cell.value * 0.1)
    new_unit_discount_cell = open_sheet.cell(row, 25)
    new_unit_discount_cell.value = unit_discount
graph_values = Reference(open_sheet,
barchart = BarChart()
piechart = PieChart()
open_sheet.add_chart(barchart, 'a16')
open_sheet.add_chart(piechart, 'i16')

4. Don't be scared of Language Official Documentation

win_installer.png Source Credit: Python.org

Learning to code and learning to code in the right way are two different things. Best thoughts, conventions, adoptions about any language/framework are best conveyed by their official documentation. Tutorials are great but are never to be substituted for Official Documentation of a language.

Personally, I got to know about the several growing python communities and associations I can join on python from the official python page

5. Kill the Tech Noise and Buzz- Hold fast unto a workable template

no-noise-symbol-iso-sign-is-1302.png Source Credit: Mysafetysign

There exist 1000 and 1 new tech, frameworks, tools, languages, and advanced topics rolled out every sec (clearly figurative, but I'm sure you got the gist) in the tech community. While it is important to keep your eye on trends and emerging tech, it is saner to filter out the noise completely and focus on the path you have defined for yourself.

Make sure research and always revalidate the relevance of whatever technology/language you are learning.

6. Google && Youtube remains your guardian angel in your learning process

Personally, I have not seen a better learning and research companion than google. I have never seen a saner place to watch tons of free yet quality tech-related videos to watch than Youtube. Leverage these tools and become better at what you do.

Feel free to add to this list and give your feedback. Is the case different for you? Feel free to share in the comments.

Always keep in mind-

##Your eyes on the BIG picture ALWAYS.

Follow me on Twitter @ devlabola